One of the prime determinants of a good result in treating shoulder problems with/without surgery is Specialist Physical Therapy. Subspecialty interests and consequent advancements in understanding and treating shoulder problems have only developed in the last decade around the world. Due to this being a relatively new subspecialty, there are very few dedicated shoulder surgeons and physiotherapists.
Shoulder physiotherapy has been historically condemned to the giant wheel which one would often see at physiotherapy centres. The patient is asked to perform as able.
The idea behind specialist shoulder physiotherapy is to establish a diagnosis, the cause of this finding and then direct rehabilitation to specifically deal with the issue. There is no single approach that encompasses all problems.
Strengthening the rotator cuff muscles, stabilising the shoulder blade, strengthening the core musculature and neck and back exercises are examples of such treatment. Stretching specific portions of the capsule consequent to an understanding of the underlying pathology significantly helps.
Such therapy does not require any fancy machines or devices. The bottomline of such effective therapy is a correct understanding of the cause. Manual techniques result in dramatic benefits in relieving pain and improving muscle power and range of motion. Such therapies last 2-3 weeks after which patients are left to pursue some exercises on their own.
A startling revelation of such techniques is the remarkable results in treating longstanding neck pain!! Historically patients have been subjected to various tests including x rays of the neck followed by physiotherapy for cervical spondylosis. A significant number do not get better. Exercises focusing on theshoulder (and not the neck) have found to improve neck pain in a
significant number of cases at our clinic!! This is due to the fact that neck muscles compensate for weak shoulder muscles causing neck pain (from overuse of these muscles) in the long run.
Thus Specialist Shoulder Physical Therapy significantly helps in :
- Stabilising the Shoulder Blade
- Strengthening various muscle groups of the shoulder
- Core (Trunk) strengthening which in turn helps the shoulder
- Achieving shoulder mobility
- Correcting the rhythm
Therapy sessions typically last for 15 -20 mins for a period of 1-2 weeks. Patients are encouraged to pursue the same at home.